Two papers were presented at the APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Los Angeles, August 31- September 3, 2023

Preliminary research results from Poland and Slovenia were presented at the prestigious 119th conference organized by the American Political Science Association. The research met with great interest of the international community.

Miro Haček (University of Ljubljana), presentation on From Conspiracies and Intergovernmental Relations: Slovenian Democratic Decline in the Central European Political Science Association panel “The problematic backsliding in CEE” (chair: Simona Kukovič, School of Advanced Social Studies; discussant: Kenneth Chan, Hong-Kong)

Agnieszka Turska-Kawa & Natalia Galica were invited to the panel Memory, Religion, and Conspiracy: The Politics of Narrative in East Europe with the presentation on Religiosity and conspiracy beliefs. The study of catholic Poland (chair: George Soroka, Harvard University, discussant: Tsveta Petrova, Columbia University)


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